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Exclusive project tour at the Institure for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) in Bellinzona / Switzerland

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Event Review

One day before start of a two-day conference at the IRB on September 21, 2022, the HT Group offered the exclusive opportunity to take a look at the newly built laboratory areas and the newly built institute.     

Thomas Fritsch, CEO of the HT Group, welcomed the guests with a special thank to Prof. Marcus Thelen's team for the opportunity of the event. Prof. Marcus Thelen transparently presented the planning and construction of the new institute building, as well as the background to research and teaching at the IRB. After a lecture by Dipl.-Ing. Claus Schweinheim, managing director of HT Lab Tec GmbH, about the realization of BSL-3 laboratories, the guests were guided through the institute building in groups and were also able to examine the new BSL-3 laboratory.

For the IRB, the HT Group implemented the laboratories according to BSL-3 requirements with various special features, including two complete BSL-3 laboratory areas, material transfer systems, ceiling integrated H14-filter boxes, extinguishing water retention, fire protection doors, tightness requirements according to VDI 2083, sheet 19, class 4.                 

The exclusive viewing aroused great interest among the participants, so that detailed information about modern possibilities in laboratory construction was subsequently provided in detailed individual discussions.

Bellinzona Research Institute