Current Topics in High and Maximum Containment Laboratories
Seminar "Current Topics in High and Maximum Containment Laboratories"
A seminar of the DukeNus Medical School in Singapore, in cooperation with the Biorisk Association Singapore, ITS Science&Medical and HT Group
DukeNus Medical School, in cooperation with the Biorisk Association Singapore, ITS Science&Medical and HT Group, has hosted the first seminar on high-safety laboratories in Singapore. Duke-NUS Medical School is a graduate medical school in Singapore. The school was established in April 2005 as Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore's second medical school.
The topic and the international speakers were so popular that all available 120 places have been booked after only two days and further inquiries could no longer be considered. The speakers came from Singapore and Europe and were able to present the topic in detail to the participants, from design and execution up to using laboratories and animal facilities.
HT Group was also represented by a speaker. Claus Schweinheim, Managing Director of HT Lab Tec GmbH, gave a lecture on flexible, modular room solutions in BSL-3/4 laboratories, including animal facilities connected to these laboratories. He demonstrated the broad expertise of the HT Group in the field of research on the basis of numerous international reference projects and explained how these were successfully implemented with solutions from the HT Group on fulfilling requirements of various guidelines and standards.
The lecture met with such great interest among the participants, that Claus Schweinheim then informed about the modern possibilities in detailed one-on-one discussions. The organizers were very satisfied with the great response and are planning another seminar as early as next year.