Congress „Hospital Engineering Trends – Architecture meets Technology“
In cooperation with our partner, the Technical University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden (OTH-AW), our joint international congress series "Hospital Engineering Trends - Architecture meets Technology" was continued.
Hospital Engineering Trends 2022 - What will the hospital of tomorrow look like?
Megatrends in medical technology, healing architecture and sustainability in hospital construction - the congress "Hospital Engineering Trends - Architecture meets Technolgy" in Neumarkt took a look at the healthcare of the future! Together with HT Group, the East Bavarian Technical University Amberg-Weiden organized the event for the seventh time.
The more than 100 participants from 18 different countries took an exciting trip into the hospital of tomorrow. The expert presentations included topics such as IT security, the use of 5G in hospitals, planning architecture, and the influence of design on healing and sustainability in hospital construction.
But where is the journey heading? The patient is moving more into focus, and digitalization is helping and supporting this. "It's not just about high-tech, but increasingly about people and their well-being," says Prof. Dr. Clemens Bulitta, President of OTH Amberg-Weiden. Healthcare processes have been at the core of hospitals - from admission to diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care. These are still important, but the perspective will change. In the future, clinics will not just be buildings for these processes, but a place where patients (already called "guests" in some clinics today) should feel comfortable, so that they can also have a positive impact on their health. Thomas Fritsch, Managing Director of the HT Group, gave an impressive presentation on the effect of a so-called light sail directly above the patient's bed. By imitating the daily rhythms, the recovery of the patients is promoted. The time patients spend in bed could be reduced by up to 30 percent as a result.
In addition to design, lighting and sustainability in the rooms and processes, the basic architecture already plays a major role here. Through smart planning that is tailored to the workflows in everyday hospital life, the architecture can already contribute to reducing the workload of the nursing staff as well as the medical staff. Flexible, fast and, above all, not too expensive - these are today's requirements.
As a showcase example, the Max Bögl company presented a modular building that was realized together with the HT Group. Thus, a complete corona laboratory could be erected within 3 months at the Technical University of Munich.
In addition to the presentations, the participants were also given the opportunity to visit the hospital in Neumarkt and the associated operating theater.
On the second day of the event, some of the technology for the clinics of the future was presented live on stage in workshops - for example VR glasses, service robots as well as mobile ultrasound devices.
In the coming years, these innovative ideas will increasingly find their way into Neumarkt and further events on the topic will be organized jointly by the OTH Amberg Weiden and the HT Group.

During the event, the new operating rooms at Klinikum Neumarkt, which have been in operation since the end of July 2022, could also be viewed. In order to expand the OR capacities, the new OR wing was planned by Distler Architekten und Ingenieure GmbH and the interior design of the OR area was realized by HT Group. The centerpiece is the new hybrid operating room with a digitally integrated, state-of-the-art X-ray robot. This provides medical imaging during surgery with improved image quality and reduced radiation exposure for patients and staff. With short distances, the new infrastructure with a central anesthesia allows for optimized throughput time, as well as better hygiene and safety conditions.
The guests were visibly impressed by the lecture topics and the extensive supporting program, as well as by the opportunity to take a look at the operating theater in Neumarkt.