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1st Global Congress on New Emerging Genetic Biocontrol Technologies

ios-chatboxes-outline.svg 28. August - 01. September 2023 Research |

HT Group represented at the first African Congress on Biosafety and Biosecurity

From 28 August to 01 September 2023, the first global congress on new and emerging biosafety took place in Nairobi. The event was organized by the African Genetic Biocontrol Consortium in cooperation with the African Biological Safety Association (AfBSA). With participants from over 40 African countries, the congress was in high demand, said Dr. Willy Tonui of the organizing committee. 

The aim of the congress was to bring together experts from all over the world to share know-how. The course would be complemented by an intensive 2-day training course in which participants were informed about the background, design, construction and maintenance of biosafety laboratories with a focus on biosafety and biosecurity. The course leaders have been Dr. Larbi Baassi (Vice President of the African Biological Safety Association) and Dipl.-Ing. Claus Schweinheim (Managing Director of HT Lab Tec GmbH).      

HT Group was also represented at the following conference with a highly acclaimed lecture entitled "Requirements for analysis and research laboratories with safety class 3, as well as possibilities for setting up and operating a facility in Africa in close cooperation with local structures".

During the conference, the organizing committee for the next biosafety conference was established, which will take place in Ghana in March 2025. Claus Schweinheim, a representative of the HT Group, was also invited to this committee. 

The training courses and lectures of the HT Group met with great interest among the participants, so that afterwards possibilities were discussed in detail with the participants in detailed one-on-one discussions. Claus Schweinheim, Managing Director of HT Lab Tec GmbH, was very satisfied after the successful conclusion of the congress and added "that the HT Group's innovative solutions for research buildings will also be in great demand on the African continent in the future.

Dr. Willy Tonui during his opening speech

Dr. Willy Tonui during his opening speech

Kongress in Egypt

The Organizing Committee of the next Biosafety Conference in March 2025 in Ghana
